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LEO satellites: the next step in enterprise broadband technology

LEO satellites: the next step in enterprise broadband technology

Seen by many as a game changer for telco wholesalers, low earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations are the next big disruptor to the wider broadband industry. There is no doubt it will challenge the traditional offerings of standard Geostationary (GEO), microwave, and fibre connectivity, simply because it has the potential to connect more people than ever before.

However, as is often the case with emerging technologies, it’s good to tread carefully as fine tuning takes place in the early adoption phase. And although, at an enterprise level, LEO is going through some teething issues as it grows in popularity, having the right partner with expert knowledge is the first step towards making the most of this revolutionary technology.  


What are Low Earth Orbit satellites 

A powerful step forward in satellite technology, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites are located far closer to Earth than their GEO counterparts. Found within 500-1,500 km, LEO constellations continuously orbit the planet and are not fixed to one point like GEO satellites.  

This close proximity to Earth ensures minimal latency, providing near real-time voice communications, data transmission, tracking, and other functions requiring immediacy.  

It’s no surprise then, that everyone is getting a little excited about these smaller, more cost effective satellites, which are seen by many businesses as the way forward.  


Impact on the wholesale broadband sector 

So, with this amazing new technology at our fingertips, why haven’t LEO connections been snapped up by wholesalers? 

The truth is, enterprise grade LEO satellites aren’t quite ready yet. 

While many telco firms have been quick to adopt and supply consumer level LEO connectivity for those in remote and rural communities, reliability of bandwidth and performance still needs some improvement. 

Yes, for Layer 3 internet services like Starlink, LEO will get you where you want to go – and faster. But for network integration, Layer 2 data transfer and application based routing, GEO connectivity is still the best bang for buck. 

As a leading edge technology, LEO will be a key industry disruptor. It will expand high speed connectivity, improve internet quality and reduce broadband prices at the consumer end, but without the right infrastructure and satellite expertise to guide their deployment, enterprise grade LEO satellite constellations have still got a little way to go. 


Finding the right partner 

Just like all wholesale telecom opportunities, ensuring long term success with any satellite connection – particularly enterprise grade LEO constellation – relies on finding the right partner. 

To do this, it’s vital that you understand who you’re dealing with – are they a satellite expert, or simply another fresh-faced provider just embarking on their satellite journey? 

From where we are sitting, at Orion, we see the potential in LEO satellites, but it’s our firm belief that this technology needs more time and consideration before it can provide exceptional reliability and peace of mind. This is the reason we will be waiting a little longer before we announce our LEO plans.  

It’s a matter of waiting and seeing. 

Ultimately, when you choose to go with a provider that has a satellite in the DNA, you’ll get an infrastructure owner-operator that provides end-to-end capability within the network that’s backed up by local expertise. Something that’s currently not on offer for enterprise grade LEO. 


Orion Satellite Systems – your satellite connectivity partner 

Orion Satellite Systems, a division of IPSTAR Australia, is a leading satellite provider in Australia and New Zealand. As one of only two owner operator infrastructure operators in Australia, we deliver all projects with our own staff and have the know how to integrate with the latest technologies and products, ensuring a quick and seamless process. Our local, personable team operates 24/7 nationally with Service desks east and west while being backed by global infrastructure and innovation, ensuring our customers avoid international call centres and talk directly with our experts when needed. 

For nearly two decades, Orion have been providing connectivity without borders to businesses in Australia and New Zealand. In this time, we have secured and supplied more than 7,000 connections, regardless of location or existing infrastructure.  

With Orion Satellite Systems, you’re in safe hands.

Want to learn more about which satellite solution is right for you?  

Get in touch to receive a free, no obligation quote today!

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